An Accredited CLE Provider • Dedicated to providing information and knowledge to legal professionals.

Director of Curriculum Development: Robert Ramsey, Ed.D.

hands typing at a laptop computer

No Accounts.
No Hassles.


All Shows Begin at Noon Eastern

Presented by: Robert Ramsey, Ed.D.

Thursday, Sept. 19th – The New Jersey DWI Fall Review

If your birthday is between July 1st and December 31st, this is all the time you have left to complete your 24 CLE credit requirement:

Featured NJ and PA CLE Videos

Any Course
$99.99 Each

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12-Credit Package

New Jersey: 50 minutes per credit. Pennsylvania: 60 minutes per credit.

Credits By Mail

To receive your Certificate of Attendance, all you need to do is watch any video and then mail your completed Evaluation Form along with your payment to Garden State CLE, 2000 Hamilton Avenue, Hamilton, New Jersey, 08619. Once received, your certificate will be processed and sent to you.